quinta-feira, 26 de maio de 2016

Natalie Morales rides surfer Kelly Slater’s perfect wave machine - TODAY.com

Champion surfer Kelly Slater has been in the pursuit of the perfect wave his whole life, but now he’s designed a machine that can create it on command. TODAY’s Natalie Morales got a sneak preview of the new device. Cowabunga!

Fonte: Natalie Morales rides surfer Kelly Slater’s perfect wave machine – TODAY.com

Natalie Morales rides surfer Kelly Slater’s perfect wave machine - TODAY.com

Projeto prevê a execução, construção e instalação de um recife artificial multifuncional em Maricá (RJ) - Waves

Projeto prevê a execução, construção e instalação de um recife artificial multifuncional em Maricá (RJ).

Fonte: Waves

Projeto prevê a execução, construção e instalação de um recife artificial multifuncional em Maricá (RJ) - Waves

Tulio Brandão questiona o desfecho da etapa brasileira do Championship Tour - Waves

Tulio Brandão questiona o desfecho da etapa brasileira do Championship Tour.

Fonte: Waves

Tulio Brandão questiona o desfecho da etapa brasileira do Championship Tour - Waves

PAMPA BARRELS | A maior competição interativa de surf do RS.

A maior competição interativa de surf do RS.

Fonte: PAMPA BARRELS | A maior competição interativa de surf do RS.

PAMPA BARRELS | A maior competição interativa de surf do RS.

quarta-feira, 25 de maio de 2016

Os Reis Magos on Vimeo

Os Reis Magos on Vimeo

Straight talking surf with Derek Hynd and Rusty Miller - Drift Surfing

Traversing eras, personalities, nations and technologies – all on Rusty’s front porch

Fonte: Straight talking surf with Derek Hynd and Rusty Miller – Drift Surfing

Straight talking surf with Derek Hynd and Rusty Miller - Drift Surfing

South to Sian - A modern-day odyssey - Drift Surfing

When Dustin Humphrey brought a hair-brained scheme to surfers and bike enthusiasts Harrison Roach and Zye Norris, there were two things that they couldn’t comprehend: first, the good fortune that had graced them with such a life-changing opportunity and second, the sheer magnitude of the vast odyssey they were about to undertake. What began as a trip to a collection of surf breaks off the beaten track turned into a journey of exploration, companionship and 4,000km of two-wheeled, single-finned escape from the the real-world burdens of modern life. Like a modern-day Heart of Darkness, the duo escape the real world, the bills, the jobs and the whirlwinds of society, to take fate by the hand and throw caution to the wind. Exploring the ashen slopes of ancient volcanoes by motorbike, the pair join with Forrest Minchinton and Agi Agassi; venturing into the ocean, they unite with friends old and new, including Matt Cuddihy, Lewie Dunn and Husni Ridhwan and, while often exploring the Indonesian terrain alone, they are never far from the camaraderie of strangers. Harrison and Zye pack their bags, a diverse quiver of boards, two bikes and a 50-dollar tent into a 1970s Land Rover on an epic… View More »

Fonte: South to Sian – A modern-day odyssey – Drift Surfing

South to Sian - A modern-day odyssey - Drift Surfing

FinFinite on Vimeo

FinFinite on Vimeo


Fonte: Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events


segunda-feira, 23 de maio de 2016

5 OLAS DEL ATLANTICO SUR | Surfpress.net

Fonte: 5 OLAS DEL ATLANTICO SUR | Surfpress.net

5 OLAS DEL ATLANTICO SUR | Surfpress.net

Above It All - SURFER Magazine

An aerial tour of California with photographer Woody Woodworth

Fonte: Above It All – SURFER Magazine

Above It All - SURFER Magazine

Goiabada: O que passa na sua cabeça ?

Fonte: Goiabada: O que passa na sua cabeça ?

Goiabada: O que passa na sua cabeça ?

"Waze" do surfe, goFlow ajuda a pegar a onda ideal


Villares, da Go4it: meta de se tornar a número um em tecnologia esportiva, 

incluindo atuação como aceleradora

Com o trânsito caótico do Rio, Renato Amorim tornou-se um usuário fiel do Waze, o aplicativo que mostra as condições do tráfego em tempo real, com a ajuda de informações dos demais usuários. Mas é a outro software, com características semelhantes, que ele recorre quando quer praticar seu esporte favorito – surfar. Batizado de goFlow, o aplicativo é uma espécie de Waze das pranchas. Com ele, as pessoas podem trocar informações, fotos e vídeos sobre as condições do mar, altura das ondas, situação da praia, clima etc.

“Moro no Leblon [na zona sul do Rio] e posso surfar na frente de casa, mas com o aplicativo dá para checar praias mais distantes”, diz Amorim, executivo da Kelly Services, empresa americana de recrutamento e seleção, e fã das ondas nas horas vagas.

O goFlow foi concebido por Roni Eshel, uma ex-campeã israelense de surfe. No tempos de competição, diz Roni ao Valor, por e-mail, era difícil reunir os dados para achar as melhores praias. “Gastei centenas de horas pesquisando na internet para saber aonde ir, onde ficar, como conhecer gente ou que época do ano era mais adequada.”

Em 2012, durante uma viagem à Costa Rica, ela percebeu que havia uma chance de preencher essa lacuna com algo nos moldes do Waze, que também foi criado em Israel e acabou comprado pelo Google em 2013, por US$ 1,15 bilhão.

Apps colaborativos tornaram-se uma tendência nos últimos tempos. As finalidades variam bastante, mas a ideia básica é a mesma: estabelecer uma rede de pessoas em torno do aplicativo, para a troca de informações ou prestação de serviços. O Uber, de transporte urbano, é uma variação desse modelo, assim como o Tinder, de namoro on-line, ou o Airbnb, de aluguel de acomodações. Em alguns, os sistemas de GPS – que usam satélites para identificar quem está mais próximo – têm um papel mais relevante que em outros, mas para todos o conceito de comunidade é fundamental.

O goFlow reúne 120 mil usuários no mundo, entre os quais os brasileiros representam o segundo maior grupo, atrás dos americanos. São por volta de 35 mil membros no país.

Recentemente, a companhia ganhou dois sócios – a agência brasileira de marketing esportivo Go4it e Neil Dana, da GoPro, a celebrada marca de câmeras portáteis usadas por esportistas. Desde que foi criado, o app já recebeu investimentos de US$ 1,5 milhão, incluindo a entrada dos novos investidores.

A Go4it foi fundada em outubro do ano passado por Cesar Villares, egresso da IMX, a ex-companhia de entretenimento e esportes de Eike Batista, e Marc Lemann, filho do bilionário Jorge Paulo Lemann, do conglomerado de bebidas AB Inbev e da 3G Capital, que controla marcas como Burger King e Heinz.

Villares deixou a IMX, na qual era vice-presidente de talentos, depois de Eike vender o negócio para o fundo Mudabala, de Abu Dhabi. Foi a paixão pelo tênis que o uniu os fundadores da Go4it. Villares foi capitão da equipe de tênis da Concordia University Irvine, na Califórnia, onde cursou administração e comunicação. Lemann foi capitão do time da Universidade Columbia, em Nova York, onde se formou em economia. Em 2010, durante o torneio US Open, eles começaram a conversar sobre um empreendimento na área esportiva.

Resultado dessas conversas, a Go4it tem três linhas de negócio. Além de administrar as carreiras de atletas como o campeão de surfe Gabriel Medina e o jogador de futebol Thiago Silva, a empresa presta serviços de consultoria para clientes como o UFC, o torneio de artes marciais mistas, e se dedica a inovações no campo dos esportes. “Queremos ser a empresa de tecnologia esportiva número um do país”, diz Villares. Um dos planos é fazer com que o braço de tecnologia da Go4it atue como aceleradora – uma organização que ajuda companhias iniciantes a crescer mais depressa. “Já estamos recebendo os primeiros projetos.”

Com o tempo, a goFlow planeja obter receita com serviços de agendamento (hotéis, passagens aéreas etc), acordos com marcas e assinaturas pagas. Por enquanto, a ideia é reforçar a comunidade de usuários. O Brasil tem 3,8 milhões de surfistas, segundo a Liga Mundial de Surfe (WSL, na sigla em inglês), mas o apelo do esporte vai além desse grupo. Segundo a WSL, 24% da população brasileira se interessa pelo surfe. No mundo, o esporte vai movimentar US$ 13 bilhões neste ano, prevê a liga.

A vitória de Gabriel Medina no campeonato mundial da WSL em 2014 – a primeira de um brasileiro – despertou a atenção do público no país. No ano passado, o título foi conquistado por outro brasileiro, Adriano de Souza, o Mineirinho. “O surfista, agora, é visto como atleta: acorda cedo, treina duro e viaja pelo mundo para competir. Grandes marcas como Oi, Samsung, Coppertone e Jeep estão acreditando nesse novo momento”, diz Villares. Medina conta com 10 patrocinadores – todos já renovados para os próximos anos.

O goFlow está disponível para os sistemas Android, do Google, e iOS, da Apple. Uma versão em português está sendo preparada. O download é gratuito.

Novos usos para o aplicativo estão sendo descobertos. A WSL e a Universidade Columbia firmaram uma parceria com o goFlow para ajudar na preservação de corais. Com o fenômeno do aquecimento global, a temperatura da água subiu, o que está destruindo os corais.

Para o surfista Amorim, a expectativa é de usar ainda mais o app. Sua nova paixão é o Kitesurfe, em que o praticante literalmente voa sobre as águas em cima de uma prancha, puxado por uma pipa gigante. Embora pouco conhecido do público, o esporte já foi acrescentado ao goFlow, ao lado de outros nove esportes ao ar livre, incluindo o ciclismo, o skate e o golfe.

Fonte: Valor Economico

"Waze" do surfe, goFlow ajuda a pegar a onda ideal

quinta-feira, 19 de maio de 2016

From Bali with love... - Drift Surfing

A thought crosses my mind: “Freedom”. I am in Bali, standing knee-deep in the refreshing water of the ocean. My camera is within reach like always for the last couple of weeks, I don’t want to miss a single epic moment. “Peace of mind.” I have to admit, this really sounds corny and old fashioned. It seems almost cocky to claim you are close to peace of mind in the 21st century, surrounded by all this busyness and social stress. I gaze to the silhouettes in the water which have become so spookily familiar to me in the last few days. “But yeah”, I decide with approval, “If this state really does exist, those people are really damn close to it.” Through my camera I am able to relocate the silhouettes of the guys that kinda adopted me into their inner circle for this short amount of time. Red board shorts, white lycra, blond hair. Check. It’s been about two months now that I have been joining people that have dedicated themselves to this sport. Small, tall, fat, thin, pros, beginners… this doesn’t matter to me or them. They are all united by one fact. They are united by the call… View More »

Fonte: From Bali with love… – Drift Surfing

From Bali with love... - Drift Surfing

ALERTA DE REDES 19/05/2016

ALERTA DE REDES 19/05/2016


Atenção rede a deriva entre a guarita da santinha e a plataforma Cabo se soltou ela está segura apenas pela âncora! NÃO ENTRE NO LADO SUL DA PLATAFORMA / MALVINA- Informação Joao Davila – Presidente ASTRI

ALERTA DE REDES 19/05/2016

Surfing at Road’s End - Drift Surfing

Tofino is a small town nestled on the west coast of Vancouver Island. Its wild landscapes and pristine beaches attract surfers, bird watchers, whale watchers, fishermen and nature enthusiasts from around the world. The surrounding area has been home to the Nuu-Cha-Nulth First Nations for thousands of years, and beyond the lush green forests and tranquil inlets, mysteries are still yet to be uncovered. One of the most iconic landmarks in Canadian surfing is Long Beach, located nearby in the Pacific Rim National Park. Its sandy shores and neighboring beaches stretch for over 16 kilometers, and its wide open shape and rocky islands make it a magnet for swells. Tofino is a year round tourist hub that is on the fast track to becoming one of Canada’s most popular tourism destinations In the 1960s, a few of Tofino’s surf pioneers began to take the plunge in the frigid Canadian waves on imported or hand shaped longboards. In the following years, a growing subculture of beach dwelling nature lovers, surfers and travelers flourished on Long Beach. These early pioneers were some of the biggest influences to the Canadian surf culture we have today on the west coast. These days Tofino is… View More »

Fonte: Surfing at Road’s End – Drift Surfing

Surfing at Road’s End - Drift Surfing

Search for the perfect wave - Drift Surfing

Naughton and Peterson are the truth. Without immunisation, spare GoPro batteries or Google maps they headed out into the world and recorded the virgin paths and peaks along the way

Fonte: Search for the perfect wave – Drift Surfing

Search for the perfect wave - Drift Surfing

Surf longer and paddle stronger with PaddlePillow - Drift Surfing

With one in four surfers suffering from lower back pain, Irish surfer David Collins – himself being part of that statistic – set about trying to find a solution that would keep him in the water longer and relieve his acute back pains.

Fonte: Surf longer and paddle stronger with PaddlePillow – Drift Surfing

Surf longer and paddle stronger with PaddlePillow - Drift Surfing

terça-feira, 17 de maio de 2016



Drift Introducing: Emily Williams - Drift Surfing

Every month Drift will be bringing you up-and-coming talent from around the globe. This month Emily Williams from Wales…Where are you from?The city of Newport in South WalesWhat do you love about surfing?Travelling, making new friends and seeing them getting a sick wave at the local on the best day of the year, then catching the bigger one behind them!

Fonte: Drift Introducing: Emily Williams – Drift Surfing

Drift Introducing: Emily Williams - Drift Surfing

Brooke Carlson Surfs Malibu on Vimeo

Brooke Carlson Surfs Malibu on Vimeo

sexta-feira, 13 de maio de 2016



Watch WSL"s Vine, "Best foot forward. 🏄 Nic Jones @GoPro #surfing #Australia"

Watch WSL"s Vine, "Best foot forward. 🏄 Nic Jones @GoPro #surfing #Australia"

How Traveling, Learning, and Surfing Can Make You Better at Your Job… and at LIFE | We Are Surfers

Is it possible that immersing yourself in surf, travel and good times can make you a better health professional? Continuing professional development (CPD) is a staple of modern health care. It is how we learn about new treatments and stay up to date with optimal practice techniques. With the current rate of innovation in pharmacy and healthcare, it is an integral part of being the best we can be. As important as CPD is to optimizing professional practice, I want you to consider another kind of CPD… continuing personal development. To demonstrate this concept, I am going to relate it to my life as a pharmacist.Ponder the following statement for a moment: “Better people make better pharmacists.”It is a hard statement to refute. Those pharmacists who are friendlier, happier, more compassionate, and possess better communication skills will generally be able to provide better patient care. The other CPD I am referring to is Continuing Personal Development, and for some it may mean taking time to distance yourself from being a pharmacist and focusing on becoming a more experienced, more informed human being.Continuing Personal Development is not a measurable concept and it can mean different things to different people. I would, however, argue it is vital for best practice. My main advice for pharmacists (or anyone, for that matter) out there is to do things that inspire you, intrigue you, challenge you, and define you as a person. It doesn’t matter too much about what the activity, experience, or hobby is–what is most important is a good perspective and positive reflection on how it can improve you as a person and the impact this has on your practice. I have worked as a surf guide in northern Nicaragua. I spent over a year in Latin America surfing, playing music, learning Spanish and road tripping. I have just completed the first of what I imagine will be many snow seasons. In the process I have gathered hundreds of stories and the primary focus has been living life to the full and maintaining happiness.Continuing personal development is a personal endeavor and, as a result, the path that each of us forge is bound to have different journeys and experiences. Whatever your experience is a key component for getting the most of your personal development is possessing an open mind geared towards seizing opportunities. Any good opportunity should offer you a chance to learn, to see something new or from a different perspective, push you outside of your comfort zone and also build on your existing skill set. These opportunities may be work related, but there are so many other things that can also fulfill these criteria.Of all the things I’ve done these last few years, the most profound and influential CPD I have had was learning Spanish as a second language. It opened up a wide range of opportunities and allowed me to communicate with 400-odd million new people. There were various positive impacts it had on improving my professional practice as well. Most of my Spanish progress came from picking people’s brains, striking up conversations with locals, and pressuring myself to be able to find and purchase necessary items and building from there.Trying to learn a language in my 20s definitely wasn’t the easiest thing I have done, yet it feels like one of the most rewarding. I can’t imagine a much stronger tool to inspire empathy toward those speaking English as a second language than to put yourself in the same position of trying to communicate in a second language yourself. It takes a lot of work to understand and be understood. You will have difficult conversations where you can’t quite express yourself exactly how you want to. At times, this can be an uncomfortable feeling, but I can tell you from experience that if you persevere with it you should see your ability to communicate with everybody improve.Bill Nye, The Science Guy, made a very good point when he said “everyone you will ever meet knows something you don’t.” This notion emphasizes that everyone you meet has the ability to teach you something and to shape the way you view the world. It might not always be something tangible, and sometimes it might not be positive. From my experience, I have found that traveling is an excellent way to get inspired and expose yourself to different ideas and life lessons.So do I think the life of travel and chasing the dream has helped me develop into a better health professional? There isn’t a straightforward answer, because it is hard to predict a sliding doors-type scenario and determine where I’d be had I taken the more conventional path. These experiences have exposed me to countless people that have inspired me to grow my skill set in different ways and apply myself to more creative endeavors. I feel like a broad range of life experiences makes it easier to find common ground with others and build a more person

Fonte: How Traveling, Learning, and Surfing Can Make You Better at Your Job… and at LIFE | We Are Surfers

How Traveling, Learning, and Surfing Can Make You Better at Your Job… and at LIFE | We Are Surfers

A Family Affair: Filipe Toledo Profile - World Surf League


Brazil’s rising star has surfing roots and passion that run deep.

Fonte: A Family Affair: Filipe Toledo Profile – World Surf League

A Family Affair: Filipe Toledo Profile - World Surf League




LOST BUG on Vimeo


LOST BUG on Vimeo