Jamie O’Brien and 3D Fins Are Releasing the “Most Innovative Fin Ever” | We Are Surfers
domingo, 31 de julho de 2016
Jamie O’Brien and 3D Fins Are Releasing the “Most Innovative Fin Ever” | We Are Surfers
Jamie O’Brien and 3D Fins Are Releasing the “Most Innovative Fin Ever” | We Are Surfers
sábado, 30 de julho de 2016
Longboard Surfing - Phil Rajzman/ Chloé Calmon/ Leco Salazar - YouTube
Longboard Surfing - Phil Rajzman/ Chloé Calmon/ Leco Salazar - YouTube
The Other North Shore Presented by Body Glove | SURFER Magazine
Waves along Lake Superior"s frozen northern coast can be just as good as any found in the ocean. Just don"t expect surfing them to be easy.
Fonte: The Other North Shore Presented by Body Glove | SURFER Magazine
The Other North Shore Presented by Body Glove | SURFER Magazine
sexta-feira, 29 de julho de 2016
What It"s Like Learning to Surf in Your 30"s | The Inertia
Newly enlightened, I declared that my goal in surfing was not to be great, just to enjoy myself.
Fonte: What It"s Like Learning to Surf in Your 30"s | The Inertia
What It"s Like Learning to Surf in Your 30"s | The Inertia
Island Exotica: Super 8mm Surfing on Vimeo
Island Exotica: Super 8mm Surfing on Vimeo
O segredo das monoquilhas
Entenda um pouco sobre as pranchas que dominaram os line ups entre os anos 50 e 80.
Fonte: The Board Trader Show
O segredo das monoquilhas
quinta-feira, 28 de julho de 2016
quarta-feira, 27 de julho de 2016
terça-feira, 26 de julho de 2016
Onde Nostre presenta Nausicaa e Maona | Surfcorner.it | italian surfing portal
Un viaggio sulle orme di Ulisse alla ricerca di spot mai surfati prima, è il nuovo progetto di Onde Nostre. Onde Nostre presenta Nausicaa e Maona, il nuovo
Fonte: Onde Nostre presenta Nausicaa e Maona | Surfcorner.it | italian surfing portal
Onde Nostre presenta Nausicaa e Maona | Surfcorner.it | italian surfing portal
I Just Got a Crash Course in Surf Photography from the Industry"s Best | The Inertia
While surfers receive the glory from a cover shot or new movie part, photographers are the real work horses of the operation.
Fonte: I Just Got a Crash Course in Surf Photography from the Industry"s Best | The Inertia
I Just Got a Crash Course in Surf Photography from the Industry"s Best | The Inertia
Evento confirmado em Santa Cruz
Apresentada pela Santa Cruz Skate, em sua volta ao norte da Califórnia, a The Boardroom Surfboard Show terá sua segunda edição desse ano.
Fonte: The Board Trader Show
Evento confirmado em Santa Cruz
Water damage, destroying film and perfect peelers... - Drift Surfing
Late last year a few friends and I ventured to Crescent Head on the north coast of NSW, Australia. Staying and surfing on the back beaches to avoid the crowds we found perfect peeling rights all to ourselves. Floating in the line up with my Nikonos III and friends, I noticed that my shutter wasn’t firing correctly nor was the frame counter increasing. Unsure of what was happening with the camera I continued to shoot until the wind turned. Returning to the car after the session and drying the camera, I decided I may as well rewind the unfinished roll and look to see what was going on inside. As I popped the locks and pulled the body out of its case, I wasn’t too shocked to find my camera was filled with water and the film soaked. Clueless of what was to come I got the roll developed and was beyond stoked with the results. Check out more from Huw Cox
Fonte: Water damage, destroying film and perfect peelers... - Drift Surfing
Water damage, destroying film and perfect peelers... - Drift Surfing
segunda-feira, 25 de julho de 2016
#Ep 01. Elas, o Surf e um Mandacaru - YouTube
#Ep 01. Elas, o Surf e um Mandacaru - YouTube
domingo, 24 de julho de 2016
This Is What It’s Like Galavanting through Mexico with the Machado Brothers and Friends | We Are Surfers
Summer Swells III: The Streets on Vimeo
Summer Swells III: The Streets on Vimeo
sábado, 23 de julho de 2016
Inverno Clássico. - YouTube
Inverno Clássico. - YouTube
Por que o mundo do surf odeia o Brasil? - Hardcore
Ou por que nós, surfistas brasileiros, somos tão detestados lá fora?
James B. para HCOLLAB
Na foto de abre, Filipe Toledo comemora vitória no Oi Rio Pro 2015. O Brazilian Storm chegou.
Bom, galera, nesta minha segunda coluna na Hardcore, resolvi falar sobre uma coisa com a qual todo surfista brasileiro convive, seja ou não merecedor: a má fama e desprezo vindos dos surfistas estrangeiros.Somos praticamente uma unanimidade internacional! Americanos, australianos, havaianos… Escolham a nacionalidade, amigos leitores da HC… Fora do Brasil, salvo algumas exceções, todos (ou quase todos) odeiam a nós, os surfistas from Brazoland.Há sempre dedos apontados para os brasileiros. Crédito: Divulgação Já viajei pelo mundo todo pegando onda, e sempre fiquei muito puto por ser visto à primeira vista como um “ser desprezível” somente por ser brasileiro. Sou super educado e sempre tive uma ótima atitude de respeito aos outros tanto dentro quanto fora d’água. Nunca tive problema em nenhuma surftrip, mas já cansei de ficar puto com os olhares enviesados, os comentários negativos e a censura prévia apenas pela capa do meu passaporte (ou pela minha cara de brasileiro, mesmo).Me sinto pagando um preço alto por pecados que não cometi. Não me enxergo de forma nenhuma como sendo parte de uma escória do surf mundial, mas parece que nós já descemos do avião com um eterno carimbo na testa: “fucking brazzo“. Sinal verde para ser odiado e ter dedos indignados apontados em nossa direção.Mas até que ponto a péssima reputação do surfista made in Brazil é culpa dos outros? Até que ponto a culpa é nossa? Alguém tem culpa nessa história? Já fazia um tempo que eu queria falar sobre isso...
Continue lendo aqui: Por que o mundo do surf odeia o Brasil? - Hardcore
Por que o mundo do surf odeia o Brasil? - Hardcore
sexta-feira, 22 de julho de 2016
17 Bitchin" Shot of Empty Waves in North Carolina | The Inertia
Glistening sunrise/sunset textures. Simply beautiful.
Fonte: 17 Bitchin" Shot of Empty Waves in North Carolina | The Inertia
17 Bitchin" Shot of Empty Waves in North Carolina | The Inertia
Nate Tyler - ‘To The Land’ on Vimeo
Nate Tyler - ‘To The Land’ on Vimeo
Como tornar sua session mais segura - Guia Waves
Como tornar sua session mais segura
Fonte: Guia Waves
Como tornar sua session mais segura - Guia Waves
quinta-feira, 21 de julho de 2016
The Archivist: The Silver Surf Film | The Surfers Journal
Twenty-five years of Big Wednesday from TSJ 11.1
Fonte: The Archivist: The Silver Surf Film | The Surfers Journal
The Archivist: The Silver Surf Film | The Surfers Journal
MEU TREINO: do mar ao asfalto, Rico de Souza esbanja vigor aos 64 anos
Antes de carregar tocha olímpica em agosto, surfista pioneiro mantém saúde de dar inveja com diferentes esportes, alimentação saudável e muito bom humor. Veja vídeo
Fonte: MEU TREINO: do mar ao asfalto, Rico de Souza esbanja vigor aos 64 anos
MEU TREINO: do mar ao asfalto, Rico de Souza esbanja vigor aos 64 anos
Perigo: Contagion Present | SURFER Magazine
Until San Diego improves its wastewater treatment and runoff management strategies, local surfers are risking life and limb for waves.
Fonte: Contagion Present | SURFER Magazine
Perigo: Contagion Present | SURFER Magazine
Did Samsung Just One-Up Itself with the Next Great Surfing Commercial: "The Snail"? | The Inertia
What do surfers and snails have in common, anyway?
Fonte: Did Samsung Just One-Up Itself with the Next Great Surfing Commercial: "The Snail"? | The Inertia
Did Samsung Just One-Up Itself with the Next Great Surfing Commercial: "The Snail"? | The Inertia
quarta-feira, 20 de julho de 2016
Keep Thieves From Stealing Your Surfboard | The Inertia
Dockslocks is the most ingeniously simple way to keep your surfboard from getting stolen.
Fonte: Keep Thieves From Stealing Your Surfboard | The Inertia
Keep Thieves From Stealing Your Surfboard | The Inertia
The Post-Civil War Surf Culture in Nicaragua is Thriving | The Inertia
It"s hard to believe that Nicaragua was fighting a vicious civil war just a few decades ago.
Fonte: The Post-Civil War Surf Culture in Nicaragua is Thriving | The Inertia
The Post-Civil War Surf Culture in Nicaragua is Thriving | The Inertia
Sharing is Caring | SURFER Magazine
High fives, nose rides, and crossovers with Zye Norris and Harrison Roach
Fonte: Sharing is Caring | SURFER Magazine
Sharing is Caring | SURFER Magazine
TwinsBros winter memories: Filippo Eschiti 2016 on Vimeo
TwinsBros winter memories: Filippo Eschiti 2016 on Vimeo
Here"s What I"ve Learned After 366 Consecutive Days of Surfing | The Inertia
A year ago I made a commitment. I’d had long lapse in my time with the ocean, so to end the drought I found heaven in salt water once again – I would surf the next 366 consecutive days. Daily romps with the sea have taught me countless lessons, but here’s a few that will follow me for life.
1. The Ocean Is The Best Way To Start Your Day The ocean may as well be a salty planet in a far flung universe. You sit, floating on this archaic plank while foreign creatures swim beneath you. Occasionally you fly down a bump on the surface of its moving liquid highway. You detach yourself from land and experience nature unfiltered, maybe pretending you’re an indigenous cetacean yourself. The smell of smog starts to dissipate as your body becomes more cathartic. The flotsam of land is forgotten. An unwavering pelican flies overhead and a dolphin flicks under you. How freaking awesome is that? When I surf in the morning my day has purpose. It breeds clarity and puts into perspective things that truly matter. If I wait until the afternoon I sometimes find myself stressing over pointless issues that should hold no bearing. It’s doesn’t matter if the waves are hucking, wind-blown towers, soft crumbly lines, or barreling slabs of perfection. The ocean just does something to you and makes everything right.
2. I’m Not InvincibleMy mind, however steadfast and frothing, can’t keep up with my biggest limit in surfing – My body. Being an injury prone clumsy wrecking ball of a girl, I’m not even sure where to begin. There was the day at Topaz, where skipping down the beach path with my longboard I tripped over a metal plate and looked down at a shredded toe, nail hanging on by a bloody sliver. A chunk sliced out of that same toe complete with all-over reef scrapes months later in Mexico. A couple trips to the ER with suspected broken bones. Countless scattered indents and discolorations courtesy of my heavy log that can still be seen 6 months out from their respective bruise. Strained left shoulder in a sling days before my Nicaragua trip. And none of those were the worst one, which I feel now as I type. On June 2nd I dislocated my right shoulder and separated my AC joint while trying to save my board from being ripped to shore, and for the first three weeks the only way to surf was with generous pushes and help from my comrades; at the moment I’m still limited to one-armed paddling.Maybe we aren’t meant to do something every single day. Or maybe I have to find a cure for the “just one more wave” syndrome that magically turns into three additional hours of playtime. Cuts, scrapes, scars and all, I’d imagine it wouldn’t be as exciting if it was cloaked in safety net.
3. The More I Surf, The More I Want To Surf That pretty much sums it up. Many think a daily dip has been an incessant chore, but it’s quite the antipode. I wake up and want to feel the ocean. I pop out of bed longing for waves like it’s been a year since I’ve seen the sea. Every slide down a wave and every cross step, bottom turn, and noseride fuels more stoke. I actually can’t remember a day that I didn’t want to surf. Of course there were rough and difficult days, but when my feet hit the sand I came out stronger and more prepared for whatever lied ahead.
4. There’s Always A Corner Somewhere Though it was tough at times, navigating this El Nino winter with a heavy 9’6 log, there was ultimately something beautiful to find in every single session.The first big windstorm I remember came November 25th. My surf and life coach Mike Siordia was watching, perched in shelter as I pierced through the 25 mph winds, paddling through seemingly endless towers of whitewater. As I vaulted up the final wave between myself and the lineup a gust pitched me and my longboard backwards, smashing us both hard into the bottom. I don’t think I’ve ever eaten that much sand in my life. For some reason I remember smiling and laughing as I washed ashore with beach mud caked across my face. From then I became a smarter, more educated surfer. I studied winds and charts and swell direction and forecast for hours, finding small havens and windows in many unmanageable days. A few overhead beachbreak mornings were a bit unnerving, but the triumphant feeling of overcoming semi-calculated risks is second to none.The gnarly days make the good days epic. And finding peace, pleasure, and reveling in the off-chance corner in the even hairier days make every day, at the very least, good.
5. Wanderlust Festers The More You TravelWhen I started my surf mission I was (and still am) obsessed with scouting new spots to slide at. I had been surfing since I was 5, but when 20 came along with a long, draining relationship to accompany, I stopped surfing, competing and pretty much lost grasp of everything I loved and cared about. I cut toxic ties in summer 2015. When I jumped back in the water for the first time in forever my life fell into place. I thought “Holy shit, I remember now. The ocean is what I live for.” Wanting to make up for lost time and with rediscovered sea induced giddiness, I made the commitment to surf for a year straight. I didn’t just want to stick around my South Bay digs. I yearned to pick up and leave at a moment’s notice (work permitting) and often did. I’ve hopped around to four countries and one Great Lake – Lake Michigan in Chicago last September, Nicaragua In February, El Salvador in March, and Cardon, Mexico in April and May. Dawn patrol trips an hour south or north an average of 2-3 times per week, and I’m always plotting my next escape, mind-drunk on the offshore winds of Nicaragua or the bright green backdrop of Noosa. I want to disappear in Mexico for months and I want to explore the shores of South Africa. I hav the bug, and if anyone feels like adventuring, we should share board bags.
6. I’ve Grown To Love Cold Water
Sticky summer days are a logger’s utopia. Drenched with sun, sand, and sweat we sit beachside for hours, almost too tired to trudge back to our shredmobiles by the end of the day. But something I began to crave, especially after coming back from tropical Central America trips in the dead of California winter, was an icy surf-bath.
People looked at me like I was a silly lunatic in Santa Cruz wearing a 1mm shortie for hours in 57 degree water. I had my reasons for putting myself through this: The arduous feeling of straining to put on a wetsuit (and straining against the restrictive force of it in the water), I might be a teeny bit of a purist, and mostly, coming across both Chris Burkard’s as well as the “Iceman” Wim Hof’s talks on the benefits and clarity they’ve gained from cold water and breathing techniques to counteract feeling “cold” had me set on digging deeper in what I was already beginning to explore. I watched their talks with intent and began a practice, wearing minimal neoprene, free of goosebumps and frozen feet. In turn I felt so incredibly alive.
7. It’s Not Just The Surf, It’s The People
Sometimes the only ripples you want to see in the water are those made solely by your fingertips. But other times, you want to share in some stoke with your sea people. I must say, true sea people are the best kind of people.
I’ve had the honor of getting to know surfers from all walks of life in the past year and I love them all. Millionaire surfers, van-resident surfers, grumpy surfers, vagabonds both lost and full of purpose. The Mike Frank’s of Doheny and the Ben Thompson’s of Malibu that express themselves through Fred Astaire-like water dance. The wise gurus like Frank Paine of Hermosa. Jose Bacallao, defender of the ocean and and Jose Barahona, my shaper who has become a father to me. Those like Marion Clark-Setterholm who selflessly bus inner city kids to the water’s edge to see the glory of the ocean, maybe for their very first time. Sharing waves often with these folks, watching their infectious stoke, seeing what they give to the world and humbly learning from their kind spirits is without a doubt the most rewarding aspect to surfing every day.
My daily surf has made me a better sister, friend, daughter, colleague, citizen, and human being. I’ve just had the best year of my life, and even though I haven’t given much thought to what happens next, I do know that as long as the ocean is in my life, I’ll be just fine. For now, I think I’ll keep on surfing.
Fonte: Here"s What I"ve Learned After 366 Consecutive Days of Surfing | The Inertia
Here"s What I"ve Learned After 366 Consecutive Days of Surfing | The Inertia
terça-feira, 19 de julho de 2016
Fanning épico e John John na briga pelo título - Série ao Fundo #11 - YouTube
Fanning épico e John John na briga pelo título - Série ao Fundo #11 - YouTube
Yrwan Garcia Léal/ summer escape on Vimeo
Yrwan Garcia Léal/ summer escape on Vimeo
We Spoke to An Expert About Tracking Sharks And Understanding Shark Behavior | The Inertia
Dr. Lowe and the folks at Shark Lab are contributing to easing the hysteria by gathering hard evidence-based data.
Fonte: We Spoke to An Expert About Tracking Sharks And Understanding Shark Behavior | The Inertia
We Spoke to An Expert About Tracking Sharks And Understanding Shark Behavior | The Inertia
No início era a prancha - The Board Trader Show
A única coisa que importa. Da Polinésia antiga ao World Tour, de Waikiki a Mavericks, do The Endless Summer até o Waves... Por todo o trajeto do tempo, tudo o que temos usado ou dito ou ouvido ou viajado, lido ou assistido são apenas barras laterais na linha do tempo do surfe.
Por quê? A história do nosso esporte é a história da prancha. Nada definiu melhor a experiência desse caminho do que aquilo que usamos para deslizar sobre as ondas. Nada define o surfista mais do que sua (ela) prancha. Muito mais do que uma ferramenta, a prancha é o ícone filosófico, resultado de um ofício sagrado. Símbolo cultural generalizado de liberdade, aventura e juventude duradoura.
Sempre Foi, Sempre Será - É por isso que o construtor de pranchas já foi o principal árbitro da cultura do surfe, desde os primeiros kahunas havaianos até a primeira onda de fabricantes, no início de 1960. Pense: Hobie, Hansen, Bing, Weber, Noll, Jacobs, Haut e tantos outros. Essas "marcas". As pranchas que produziram e a maneira como este produto foi comercializado deram forma à cultura do surfe, literal e figurativamente. Tudo era sobre pegar ondas, o que você usava estava em segundo lugar.
No entanto, nas décadas passadas, a ênfase passou longe da prancha. As revistas de surfe tornaram-se o principal veículo cultural, estabelecendo limites éticos e estéticos e, finalmente, marginalizando e estreitando o papel da prancha no esporte. De acordo com várias revistas de surfe, durante a maior parte da década de 1980 e 90, só havia uma maneira de surfe, expressa numa cultura mono-board.
Ao mesmo tempo, a florescente indústria de surfwear começou a eclipsar todos os outros elementos comerciais do esporte. Surfando uma grande onda de aprovação, com apoio de marketing, estas boas empresas tornaram-se nossos líderes culturais, criando uma imagem e a alimentando numa mídia que, por sua vez , nos alimentou com essa visão pré-digerida, Um espelho sem o fundo, que só refletia para o exterior.
Isso não quer dizer que houve qualquer tipo de tentativa deliberada de comoditizar nossa paixão. A mídia de surfe não é má. A meu ver eles estão apenas um pouco fora da trilha. Nossa cultura surge de surfar, usar pranchas para pegar ondas. Tudo está ligado a elas, as pranchas. Tem sido sempre assim, tudo tem a ver com pranchas.
Missão - Desde 2007, a The Boardroom reafirma e mantém essa filosofia, para colocar a prancha e os modernos kahunas que as produzem de volta à vanguarda da cultura surfe. Na The Boardroom colocamos a cultura do surfe, a sua influência, a sua importância, a sua responsabilidade, de volta nas mãos dos artesãos que moldam o nosso instrumento sagrado e, finalmente, o nosso futuro. Esse mesmo movimento e filosofia estarão no espaço físico e eventos da The Board Trader Show, da qual também participarei.
Junte-se a nós nesse show onde mostraremos o trabalho e talento dos construtores, designers, pranchas de surfe, equipamentos, acessórios, artes, música e muito mais!
Scott Bass é o criador e diretor executivo da The Boardroom (EUA). À frente da "feira de pranchas", herdada da Sacred Craft, Scott vê a tendência de pranchas em primeiro plano se propagando. A The Boardroom, que acontecia uma vez ao ano, terá uma segunda edição, em Santa Cruz (8 e 9/10), depois de sua realização em maio último, em Del Mar, Califórnia.
Fonte: The Board Trader Show
No início era a prancha - The Board Trader Show
Home is Where the Heart is | The Inertia
Home is where the heart is. Especially so if your heart lies with surfing, like Santa Cruz local CJ Nelson"s does.
Fonte: Home is Where the Heart is | The Inertia
Home is Where the Heart is | The Inertia
segunda-feira, 18 de julho de 2016
You can script this - Waves
Para Tulio Brandão, Jeffreys Bay este ano não surpreendeu nem o mais ingênuo espectador.
Fonte: Waves
You can script this - Waves
Valentina Vitale Beyond The Water | Surfcorner.it | italian surfing portal
Ognuno è alla ricerca del suo posto sulla Terra... quello di Valentina Vitale è nell"acqua Beyond The Water è il nuovo video della pluricampionessa ita
Fonte: Valentina Vitale Beyond The Water | Surfcorner.it | italian surfing portal
Valentina Vitale Beyond The Water | Surfcorner.it | italian surfing portal
domingo, 17 de julho de 2016
sábado, 16 de julho de 2016
Por dentro da Pipa - Brasil | respect local on Vimeo
Por dentro da Pipa - Brasil | respect local on Vimeo
At long last, surfers get their own travel guide - Drift Surfing
‘I Love the Seaside: The Surf & Travel Guide to Southwest Europe’ offers the best of both worlds: surfing and travelling. In order to write this travel guide, the creators explored the shores of France, Spain and Portugal, extensively, and what makes the guide unique is that it’s not just about the surf spots; it gives a good sense of the backdrop, scenery and atmosphere. It highlights the friendliest places that you’ll love to hang out, shop, eat and sleep; all personally selected because they’re run with the heart. It also helps you find other activities like horse riding, yoga, hiking, wine tasting and much more. Read little snippets of interesting info and short stories about inspiring local people, learn yoga tricks to help improve your surfing, and get knowledgeable about local food (and drinks!). I Love the Seaside has been compiled with love and care by a team of creative surfers and travellers, who funded the publishing with the help of a very successful crowdfunding campaign. The guide is the perfect travel companion for anyone and everyone who uses the ocean as their compass, either surfing or just loving the seaside. Written in English language, the guide contains 386… View More »
Fonte: At long last, surfers get their own travel guide - Drift Surfing
At long last, surfers get their own travel guide - Drift Surfing
An Ode to My Future Groms | The Inertia
I have a confession to make. I’m selfish. Having groms might change that.
Fonte: An Ode to My Future Groms | The Inertia
An Ode to My Future Groms | The Inertia
Freezing: Exclusive behind the scenes with those who froze - Drift Surfing
When you go to a surf film festival, comedy isn’t the genre you’re always expecting to see. Surfing as a sub-culture has been trend setting since its commercialisation in the 1960s and the naughty-but-nice persona of its rebelliously nonchalant young water-dwellers still exists today. But with athletic performance and health now being the most prominent themes pushed in surf media, there’s a big confliction to be documented and of course, comedy to be found. FREEZING, a film by Jeremy Joyce, Rob Lockyear and Jamie Baughan is a surf-travel mockumentary that’s been blowing fresh, cold air into surf film festivals all over the place and I couldn’t NOT catch up with Jeremy and Jamie to find out how the concept came about. Part 1: Jeremy Joyce So Jeremy, it’s you, Rob and Jamie. Who’s the link between you all? Rob and I go a long way back. We met when we were about 9, at school and then I went to drama school with Jamie, so I’ve known him for about 12 years, give or take. In the film you list so many lovely hot places you could’ve visited…Why did you choose Iceland? Rob and I have done a few surf… View More »
Fonte: Freezing: Exclusive behind the scenes with those who froze - Drift Surfing
Freezing: Exclusive behind the scenes with those who froze - Drift Surfing
sexta-feira, 15 de julho de 2016
Red Bull Illume"s National Mobile Photo Contest. | The Inertia
The incredible surge and accomplishments in recent years of mobile phone technology has allowed everyday people to leave their cameras behind
Fonte: Red Bull Illume"s National Mobile Photo Contest. | The Inertia
Red Bull Illume"s National Mobile Photo Contest. | The Inertia
Semana Fabulosa em Barbados 3 - Waves
Confira o terceiro episódio da expedição da Família Gouveia em Barbados. Acompanhamos o ícone Fábio Gouveia, sua esposa Elka e os filhos Igor, Ian e Ilana pelas ilhas ao leste do Caribe. Além de altas ondas, o país possui uma cultura riquíssima e oferece inúmeras atividades e belezas naturais para entreter a família toda em uma viagem inesquecível.
Fonte: Waves
Semana Fabulosa em Barbados 3 - Waves
This App Is Basically Waze for Shark Sightings | The Inertia
The choice to head toward or away from sightings is ultimately yours.
Fonte: This App Is Basically Waze for Shark Sightings | The Inertia
This App Is Basically Waze for Shark Sightings | The Inertia
Gallery: 30 Reasons the Gold Coast is the Ultimate Surfer"s Paradise | The Inertia
Surfer"s Paradise is an actual place on the Gold Coast. Go Figure.
Fonte: Gallery: 30 Reasons the Gold Coast is the Ultimate Surfer"s Paradise | The Inertia
Gallery: 30 Reasons the Gold Coast is the Ultimate Surfer"s Paradise | The Inertia
NLAND Surf Park Is Being Sued | The Inertia
We are disappointed the county commissioners would take such drastic measures, without explanation.
Fonte: NLAND Surf Park Is Being Sued | The Inertia
NLAND Surf Park Is Being Sued | The Inertia
Why I Deeply Respect the Surf Industry for Glorifying Drugs and Alcohol | The Inertia
To watch your hero die tragically alone from drugs then use any distribution and influence you work hard to create in order to encourage kids to walk down the same deathtrap is a brilliant and worthwhile use of time and money.
Fonte: Why I Deeply Respect the Surf Industry for Glorifying Drugs and Alcohol | The Inertia
Why I Deeply Respect the Surf Industry for Glorifying Drugs and Alcohol | The Inertia
quinta-feira, 14 de julho de 2016
Repelente de tubarão
Dispositivo anti tubarão com 90% de eficiência comprovada pode chegar em breve ao mercado.
Fonte: The Board Trader Show
Repelente de tubarão
#RADGEAR: Modom"s Shark Leash | The Inertia
Still have yet to see a shark, so I think this leash is working.
Fonte: #RADGEAR: Modom"s Shark Leash | The Inertia
#RADGEAR: Modom"s Shark Leash | The Inertia
18-Year-Old Frankie Harrer"s Teahupo"o Step-Offs are Insane | The Inertia
Remember when Dusty Payne said girls can"t surf?
Fonte: 18-Year-Old Frankie Harrer"s Teahupo"o Step-Offs are Insane | The Inertia
18-Year-Old Frankie Harrer"s Teahupo"o Step-Offs are Insane | The Inertia
Surfing XXL Cloudbreak from "Mad Monday" in Fiji: Drone Footage | Sessions - YouTube
Surfing XXL Cloudbreak from "Mad Monday" in Fiji: Drone Footage | Sessions - YouTube
quarta-feira, 13 de julho de 2016
#LogDaze with First Point, Malibu Ripper Francesca "Frankie" Seely | The Inertia
A few images that illustrate the allure of logging and the sharing of smiles that goes along with it.
Fonte: #LogDaze with First Point, Malibu Ripper Francesca "Frankie" Seely | The Inertia
#LogDaze with First Point, Malibu Ripper Francesca "Frankie" Seely | The Inertia
Burned by Worst Surf Racks Ever | SURFER Magazine
A cathartic ode to Bay Standard"s terrible "Aloha" racks.
Fonte: Burned by Worst Surf Racks Ever | SURFER Magazine
Burned by Worst Surf Racks Ever | SURFER Magazine
terça-feira, 12 de julho de 2016
Joel Tudor on Miki Dora, from The Present - YouTube
Joel Tudor on Miki Dora, from The Present - YouTube
Wintertude: Giovanni Evangelisti | Surfcorner.it | italian surfing portal
Giovanni Evangelisti cura la sua Wintertudine a qualche centinaio di chilometri da casa. Da buon surfista italiano, Giovanni Evangelisti ama l"inverno più
Fonte: Wintertude: Giovanni Evangelisti | Surfcorner.it | italian surfing portal
Wintertude: Giovanni Evangelisti | Surfcorner.it | italian surfing portal
Session André Zanini 2016 - YouTube
Session André Zanini 2016 - YouTube
segunda-feira, 11 de julho de 2016
SHOCK - Itacoatiara - 09/07/16 on Vimeo
SHOCK - Itacoatiara - 09/07/16 on Vimeo
Kepa Acero and Solo Surf Travel | The Inertia
Kepa Acero is, without a doubt, one of surfing"s most interesting people.
Fonte: Kepa Acero and Solo Surf Travel | The Inertia
Kepa Acero and Solo Surf Travel | The Inertia
This $12,000 a Night Resort Was Just Voted Best Hotel in the World and You’ll Never Surf Here | The Inertia
I hope that treehouse spa is as rad as it sounds.
Leia toda a matéria aqui: This $12,000 a Night Resort Was Just Voted Best Hotel in the World and You’ll Never Surf Here | The Inertia
This $12,000 a Night Resort Was Just Voted Best Hotel in the World and You’ll Never Surf Here | The Inertia
Guy Can"t Even Believe The Tube He"s Getting | The Inertia
There are a million clichés around living life to the fullest. They"re all true. A life spent doing nothing interesting is a life wasted.
Fonte: Guy Can"t Even Believe The Tube He"s Getting | The Inertia
Guy Can"t Even Believe The Tube He"s Getting | The Inertia
domingo, 10 de julho de 2016
A Prancha de Agave - YouTube
A Prancha de Agave - YouTube
sábado, 9 de julho de 2016
Profile: Desire Like De Souza - YouTube
Profile: Desire Like De Souza - YouTube
Watch PENINSULA MITRE Online | Vimeo On Demand on Vimeo
Watch PENINSULA MITRE Online | Vimeo On Demand on Vimeo
Started From The Beginning, Turn My Headphones Up on Vimeo
Started From The Beginning, Turn My Headphones Up on Vimeo
10 Ways To Obtain Eternal Fun | The Inertia
Start by making steps toward that future and the rest will follow if you do not stray.
Leia mais aqui: 10 Ways To Obtain Eternal Fun | The Inertia
10 Ways To Obtain Eternal Fun | The Inertia
sexta-feira, 8 de julho de 2016
Teoria da canela seca - Waves
Jaime Viúdes fala sobre a eficiência dos longboarders de canela fina.
Leia mais aqui Waves
Teoria da canela seca - Waves
This £700 wetsuit could make you the fastest paddler - Drift Surfing
A new wetsuit which is cleverly cut differently from all other suits on the market is claiming to revolutionise your speed in the water.
Continue lendo aqui -> This £700 wetsuit could make you the fastest paddler - Drift Surfing
This £700 wetsuit could make you the fastest paddler - Drift Surfing
The Board Trader Show
The Board Trader Show: a primeira feira de pranchas e equipamentos ligados aos BoardSports no Brasil marcada para novembro em São Paulo (SP).
Continue lendo aqui -> The Board Trader Show
The Board Trader Show
Side Plank Will Strengthen Your Core and Alleviate Lower Back Pain | The Inertia
From plank, shift your weight onto your right hand and come to the outside edge of your right foot.
Veja aqui: Side Plank Will Strengthen Your Core and Alleviate Lower Back Pain | The Inertia
Side Plank Will Strengthen Your Core and Alleviate Lower Back Pain | The Inertia
The Art of Being Surfed Out in Peru | The Inertia
Ever wish the waves would stop being so damn good?
Continue lendo aqui -> The Art of Being Surfed Out in Peru | The Inertia
The Art of Being Surfed Out in Peru | The Inertia
Surf Wax: Everything You Need to Know About That Stuff Stuck to Your Chest Hair | The Inertia
It"s time somebody answered a few sticky questions...important questions like, is it organic? Or vegan?
Continue lendo aqui -> Surf Wax: Everything You Need to Know About That Stuff Stuck to Your Chest Hair | The Inertia
Surf Wax: Everything You Need to Know About That Stuff Stuck to Your Chest Hair | The Inertia
quinta-feira, 7 de julho de 2016
Bali de Longboard - Claudio Ketzer Fagundes (claudio@macenor.com)
Em Junho de 2016 passei 12 dias em Bali . Sempre me falaram que Indonésia não era para longboard pois era onda de tubo. Mas são ondas que de longboard se entra antes e se pode surfar adiantado do tubo. Ondas muito boas e de alta qualidade. Em Bali e região o crowd é máximo, outra vantagem do long pois se entra antes na onda.
Minha chegada e saída foi em Uluwatu ( a esquina de Bali ) onde entra geralmente a maior ondulação. Mas as praias ao redor oferecem ótimas condições principalmente porque não precisa estar grande para quebrar com força . A bancada de pedra e coral garante onda forte e rápida mesmo com 3 pés.
As praias que destaco para o longboard ali em Bali são Uluwatu , Begin , Balangan , Nusa , Kuta .
Tendo mais tempo vale atravessar para a ilha de NUSA LEMBOGAN ( 2 horas de barco ) saindo de NUSA DUA ( que tem onda boa também ) – Anexo mapa da região com as principais praias.
Outra ilha perto que leva de ferry 3 horas é LOMBOK , não fui mas me disseram que a onda é boa para longboard .
Aluguei uma scooter lá e andei até praias a 30 km do meu hotel em Uluwatu . US$ 5,00 /dia . Todas vem com o suporte de levar prancha ( o long fica um pouco desconfortável mas deu tranquilo )
Carro por ali as estradas são estreitas e mal de manobrar . 99% dos surfistas em Bali andam de moto alugada .
Comida barata ( 1 prato completo – US$ 8 a 10,00 )
Chegando no principal pico que é Uluwatu e Pagdang tinham outros surfistas de longboard e até SUP .
Resumindo se pega onda BEM boa , não se vai entubar como os de pranchinha mas vai ter ótimas condições
Tem um cara lá = PUTRA nome dele ( está no meu instagram ) que consegue translados , taxi , passeio vulcão etc....tudo BEM mais barato . Ele trabalha no principal hotel de Uluwatu – Blue Point Villas.
Bali de Longboard - Claudio Ketzer Fagundes (claudio@macenor.com)
Garopaba em foco - Waves
Marco Giorgi e Yuri Gonçalves aproveitam as boas condições da Ferrugem.
Veja o vídeo aqui: Waves
Garopaba em foco - Waves
How to Stay Healthy When You"re Sitting at a Laptop All Day | The Inertia
With these hints, you’ll never feel like your work life is draining your health again.
Continue lendo aqui -> How to Stay Healthy When You"re Sitting at a Laptop All Day | The Inertia
How to Stay Healthy When You"re Sitting at a Laptop All Day | The Inertia
Algorithms to Surf By | The Inertia
Mind. Blown.
Continue lendo aqui -> Algorithms to Surf By | The Inertia
Algorithms to Surf By | The Inertia
Tia Blanco Shows us the Beauty of Nicaragua in "My Journey" | The Inertia
Central America is a beautiful place.
Continue lendo aqui -> Tia Blanco Shows us the Beauty of Nicaragua in "My Journey" | The Inertia
Tia Blanco Shows us the Beauty of Nicaragua in "My Journey" | The Inertia
quarta-feira, 6 de julho de 2016
Em busca de talentos - Guia Waves
Ação social percorrerá 10 cidades litorâneas para descobrir e apoiar novos talentos do surfe. - Guia Waves do litoral brasileiro
Fonte: Guia Waves
Em busca de talentos - Guia Waves
A Guide To Putting On A Chest Zip And Back Zip Wetsuit - YouTube
A Guide To Putting On A Chest Zip And Back Zip Wetsuit - YouTube
Spivo nearly goes bust but goes on to turn heads - Drift Surfing
One year ago a Canadian startup Spivo unleashed their product on an unsuspecting Kickstarter looking to raise $30,000 to put their camera accessory stick on the market. The campaign got off to good a start, however they only managed to get around half the money pledged needed meaning they unfortunately did not receive a single dollar. Having failed miserably with Kickstarter, but feeling there was still a demand in the market, founders Marc Bjerring and Andre Bellerive, alongside an angel investor, went with their gut and decided to take the risk of financing the project on their own. Spivo Stick is a handheld camera mount that allows anyone with an action camera, smartphone, or point-and-shoot camera to have full control whether the camera is facing towards or away. See our initial write up of the Spivo Stick here Now, one year later, Spivo Stick sales have gone global, selling in over 52 countries. Working with industry influencers the has team assembled a brand ambassador crew including Olympic Silver medalist Devin Logan, and professional skier Rory Bushfield (husband of the late Sarah Burke) who recently parachuted out of a helicopter with his Spivo Stick. See the footage here. Here is the Spivo… View More »
Fonte: Spivo nearly goes bust but goes on to turn heads - Drift Surfing
Spivo nearly goes bust but goes on to turn heads - Drift Surfing
Live - 2016 J-Bay Open - World Surf League
Watch Round 2 - Heat 1 LIVE!
Clique aqui para assistir ao vivo: Live - 2016 J-Bay Open - World Surf League
Live - 2016 J-Bay Open - World Surf League
Segredo Pacífico Colombiano - Site Ondas do Sul
Temos que nos arriscar pelas coisas que amamos. No mundo do soul surf essa frase tem duplo sentido, se refere a viajar para um País onde não sabemos quais riscos vamos encontrar, e qual a probabilidade de surfar altas ondas. Quando se trata de Colômbia não sabíamos muita coisa, mas tendo como referência os pioneiros Peter Troy, Tito Rosemberg, Kevin Naugthon e entre outros, á base para isso é a famosa frase de Miki Dora ( All For A Few Perfect Waves). Então botei a pilha em meu amigo Jeferson Big e partimos em busca de surf na costa pacífica da Colômbia. Voo saindo de POA com destino Medellín via Lima. Como havíamos feito uma breve pesquisa, sabíamos da existência de picos de surf nos pueblos de Nuquí e Bahía Solano, para chegar nesses dois destinos só há duas maneiras, um voo de Medellín até Bahía Solano ou uma terrível viagem de 15 horas em ônibus até Buena Ventura, passando por Cali e pela perigosa estrada em meio a uma cadeia de montanhas. (conhecida como estrada da morte). De Buena Ventura é preciso pegar um barco de 18 horas viajando em alto mar, porém esse barco sai todos os sábados e havíamos chegado na quarta-feira, surgiu uma pergunta: e agora o que fazer? Então um pescador que estava nos molhes nos falou sobre um Pueblo, que fica mais ou menos 4 horas dali, e tem uma praia com boas ondas. Decidimos correr o risco afinal de contas não tínhamos grana para voltar a Medellín e pegar o voo até Bahía Solano, tão pouco queríamos ficar esperando o tal barco até sábado. |
Segredo Pacífico Colombiano - Site Ondas do Sul
terça-feira, 5 de julho de 2016
Nick Carroll revela detalhes da biografia do irmão, o surfista Tom Carroll - YouTube
Nick Carroll revela detalhes da biografia do irmão, o surfista Tom Carroll - YouTube
Mexi Log Fest Raffles Mexican Vacation Homes | The Inertia
The Mexi Log Fest is giving you the chance to win a 7 night stay in one of four luxury vacation homes.
Continue lendo aqui -> Mexi Log Fest Raffles Mexican Vacation Homes | The Inertia
Mexi Log Fest Raffles Mexican Vacation Homes | The Inertia
Everything Is Not OK In Florida | SURFER Magazine
Negligence, human filth, and unintended consequences have conspired once again to imperil the beaches of central and southern Florida. Water releases from
Fonte: Everything Is Not OK In Florida | SURFER Magazine
Everything Is Not OK In Florida | SURFER Magazine
segunda-feira, 4 de julho de 2016
Jogo de surf inova nos aplicativos - Waves
Jogo de surf inova nos aplicativos.
Continue lendo aqui -> Waves
Jogo de surf inova nos aplicativos - Waves
Miguel Pupo quer medidas mais efetivas contra tubarões em J-Bay - Waves
Miguel Pupo quer medidas mais efetivas contra tubarões em J-Bay e espera bom resultado nas direitas africanas. Tá com medinho. Continue lendo aqui -> Waves
Miguel Pupo quer medidas mais efetivas contra tubarões em J-Bay - Waves
Thiago Guimaraes - Chicama - YouTube
Thiago Guimaraes - Chicama - YouTube
Semana Fabulosa em Barbados
Confira o segundo episódio da expedição da Família Gouveia em Barbados. Acompanhamos o ícone Fábio Gouveia, sua esposa Elka e os filhos Igor, Ian e Ilana pelas ilhas ao leste do Caribe. Além de altas ondas, o país possui uma cultura riquíssima e oferece inúmeras atividades e belezas naturais para entreter a família toda em uma viagem inesquecível.
Leia e veja o vídeo aqui: Semana Fabulosa em Barbados
Semana Fabulosa em Barbados
sábado, 2 de julho de 2016
Semana Fabulosa em Barbados - Waves
Acompanhamos o ícone Fábio Gouveia, sua esposa Elka e os filhos Igor, Ian e Ilana à ilha de Barbados, situada no leste do Caribe. Além de altas ondas, o país possui uma cultura riquíssima e oferece inúmeras atividades e belezas naturais para entreter a família toda em uma viagem inesquecível.
Continue lendo aqui -> Waves
Semana Fabulosa em Barbados - Waves
The Joy of Discovering a Secret Surf Spot | The Inertia
A spot that only works in the bluest of moons. But it"s most definitely out there. Somewhere.
Continue lendo aqui -> The Joy of Discovering a Secret Surf Spot | The Inertia
The Joy of Discovering a Secret Surf Spot | The Inertia
Riding a Log at Snapper Is Not As Hectic As It Sounds | The Inertia
It actually looks peaceful.
Continue lendo aqui -> Riding a Log at Snapper Is Not As Hectic As It Sounds | The Inertia
Riding a Log at Snapper Is Not As Hectic As It Sounds | The Inertia
sexta-feira, 1 de julho de 2016
June Gloom: A California Surfing Short Film | The Inertia
Southern California has been on quite the heater as of late.
Continue lendo aqui -> June Gloom: A California Surfing Short Film | The Inertia
June Gloom: A California Surfing Short Film | The Inertia
Todos nós gostaríamos de ter um coração saudável para continuar vivos, músculos fortes para nos manter na água, e flexibilidade para evitar lesões. Para isso precisamos reservar alguns dias ou apen…
Atalanta Batista - Hanging at Sao Paulo on Vimeo
Atalanta Batista - Hanging at Sao Paulo on Vimeo