Niebla on Vimeo
quinta-feira, 30 de junho de 2016
Tiago Brant, Edinho Leite e Renan Rocha debatem sobre a etapa de Jeffreys Bay após ataque de tubarão - Waves
Tiago Brant, Edinho Leite e Renan Rocha debatem sobre a etapa de Jeffreys Bay após ataque de tubarão.
Continue lendo aqui -> Waves
Tiago Brant, Edinho Leite e Renan Rocha debatem sobre a etapa de Jeffreys Bay após ataque de tubarão - Waves
Feral is a Surf Film that Cannot Be Tamed | The Inertia
A visual and audio cacophony.
Continue lendo aqui -> Feral is a Surf Film that Cannot Be Tamed | The Inertia
Feral is a Surf Film that Cannot Be Tamed | The Inertia
Margaux Arramon-Tucoo Is A Longboarding Philosophe | The Inertia
Like a surfing Sartre or a charging Camus.
Continue lendo aqui -> Margaux Arramon-Tucoo Is A Longboarding Philosophe | The Inertia
Margaux Arramon-Tucoo Is A Longboarding Philosophe | The Inertia
Off the grid In Baja - Drift Surfing
Y ou know when you read a book and it takes you away. It takes you to a place, through untouched lands and untravelled waters. It takes you past the horizon, it submerges you into a reality painted in your mind through only words. Niebla tells the story of Passenger Ambassador Barry Mottershead and his group of friends who journey through a vast desert landscape using sea kayaks and a trusty 4×4 to navigate their way south.
Continue lendo aqui -> Off the grid In Baja - Drift Surfing
Off the grid In Baja - Drift Surfing
quarta-feira, 29 de junho de 2016
Pops Waikiki Beach Surf on Vimeo
Pops Waikiki Beach Surf on Vimeo
Romancing Portugal - Drift Surfing
My case was small enough to hold a camera housing and a wetsuit with those all important flippers. Nothing more except two pairs of boardies and two tees. This was enough to place above my head on the flight in order to arrive knowing my stuff was safe and not thrown to pieces by the carrier I was flying with.
Continue lendo aqui -> Romancing Portugal - Drift Surfing
Romancing Portugal - Drift Surfing
12 Surf Artists You Should Probably Be Following on Instagram | The Inertia
If you follow the right folks, your feed is an endless stream of creative and colorful eye candy to drool over.
Continue lendo aqui -> 12 Surf Artists You Should Probably Be Following on Instagram | The Inertia
12 Surf Artists You Should Probably Be Following on Instagram | The Inertia
terça-feira, 28 de junho de 2016
Tempos de intolerância - Waves
Pedro Maurity escreve sobre os tempos de intolerância na internet refletidos nos line ups pelo mundo afora.
Leia toda a coluna aqui: Waves
Tempos de intolerância - Waves
Fernando de Noronha on Vimeo
Fernando de Noronha on Vimeo
Double Trouble: Tandem Surfers on a mission to get barrelled - Drift Surfing
Think of tandem surfing and you immediately envisage something out of the opening credits of Hawaii Five-0, girls held aloft by guys performing daring acrobatics out on the surf. The ancient Hawaiian sport seems to have undergone a bit of a rebirth in recent years, usually it’s two people surfing one board combining partner lifts with traditional longboarding. But this is Portrush, Northern Ireland, not the North Shore. For one thing, there aren’t the same waves or weather but this hasn’t stopped two of its local surfers trying it out and quite possibly starting a new craze in these parts of tandem surfing on a SUP. Carl Russell and his younger brother Jamie are pretty much stalwarts of the surf scene here. They’re not averse to trying out a few creative moves themselves, quite the opposite, but it seems that what began as a bit of fun together doing the odd handstand on the SUP is now evolving into a more singular aim: to get barrelled. Drawing ideas and inspiration from watching Oahu’s infamous pro-surfer and RedBull athlete Jamie O’Brien online (whose antics, amongst others, include surfing a soft surfboard at Jaws) Carl says that it was initially something for them… View More »
Fonte: Double Trouble: Tandem Surfers on a mission to get barrelled - Drift Surfing
Double Trouble: Tandem Surfers on a mission to get barrelled - Drift Surfing
Grazie Adriatico! | Surfcorner.it | italian surfing portal
La grande mareggiata da sud. Adriatico, estate 2016. La mattina di venerdì 17 giugno la swell si presentava ben distesa con periodo superiore al 6,
Fonte: Grazie Adriatico! | Surfcorner.it | italian surfing portal
Grazie Adriatico! | Surfcorner.it | italian surfing portal
I"m Going To Be A Dad Soon; So Where Does Surfing Fit In? | The Inertia
Is the modern world of surf something that I want my kids to be involved in?
Leia toda a matéria aqui: I"m Going To Be A Dad Soon; So Where Does Surfing Fit In? | The Inertia
I"m Going To Be A Dad Soon; So Where Does Surfing Fit In? | The Inertia
segunda-feira, 27 de junho de 2016
Farmácia de viagem - Guia Waves
Como preparar adequadamente seu kit de primeiros socorros para a próxima surftrip.
Quem não ama uma surftrip? Sair um pouco daquela rotina cansativa, conhecer novos lugares, novas culturas, novas águas. Porém, tudo tem seus dois lados. Viagens podem trazer muitas alegrias, mas também podem trazer algumas dores de cabeça, mal-estar e ferimentos.
Aqui te mostramos como lidar com cada situação sem stress e estar sempre bem preparado.
Leia todas as dicas aqui: Guia Waves
Farmácia de viagem - Guia Waves
You Need Extra Reach! Check out this news from the little company who cooked up this why-didn"t-I-think-of-that device . . .
"Board Buddy is a great way to carry your surfboard to the beach. This simple and easy-to-use surfboard carrier gives you a firm grip on your board. Made of tough, durable ABS plastic, Board Buddy slides right onto the rail of your board when you"re headed for the surf. It"s a surfboard carrying device for a longboard or shortboard, or carrying two boards.
"We tried many things on the market over the years . . . bags, strips, holders that had round tubes and ropes that let the board twist in the wind. We wanted control and a normal hand feel to carry our board, not a strap over the shoulder. Board Buddy does just that.
"Board Buddy comes into it"s own on long walks, steep trails, and windy days. Perfect for kids, women and men who need more reach to carry wide longboards. Board Buddy is better for your body, too. It gets the surfboard off your head and off your hip. You only need one hand to carry your board. Board Buddy also keeps the wax out of your hair and on your board.
Fonte: Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events
Hector Santamaria and Three Surfboards | The Inertia
He"s vibrant, always-smiling, and slightly strange (in a very good way).
Veja mais aqui: Hector Santamaria and Three Surfboards | The Inertia
Hector Santamaria and Three Surfboards | The Inertia
Watch Newport Lifegaurds’ Dramatic Rescue After Jetski Accident at The Wedge | We Are Surfers
Look, But Don"t Touch | SURFER Magazine
Five surf zones you should avoid, no matter how good the waves are. By Justin Housman
Veja mais aqui (e infelizmente temos uma praia brasileira na lista): Look, But Don"t Touch | SURFER Magazine
Look, But Don"t Touch | SURFER Magazine
domingo, 26 de junho de 2016
Lost & Found: Tristan Guilbaud in Pumping West Africa | The Inertia
Tristan Guilbaud, your new favorite Frenchman.
Veja o vídeo aqui: Lost & Found: Tristan Guilbaud in Pumping West Africa | The Inertia
Lost & Found: Tristan Guilbaud in Pumping West Africa | The Inertia
Raw and Rugged Iceland | The Inertia
Iceland doesn"t have the warmest water. It is, though one of the most visually stunning places on earth.
Veja o vídeo aqui: Raw and Rugged Iceland | The Inertia
Raw and Rugged Iceland | The Inertia
sábado, 25 de junho de 2016
This is “Clever Buoy,” the Tech Providing Shark Protection at the J-Bay Open | The Inertia
“This will help place our technology on the world stage, showing what it can do to keep surfers and other ocean users safe in the water.”
Continue a ler aqui: This is “Clever Buoy,” the Tech Providing Shark Protection at the J-Bay Open | The Inertia
This is “Clever Buoy,” the Tech Providing Shark Protection at the J-Bay Open | The Inertia
One More Wave | SURFER Magazine
Last month, tragic news broke that Charles Keating, a Navy SEAL based in Coronado, CA, was killed in combat by ISIS fighters in the city of Tel Asqof, Iraq
Leia mais: One More Wave | SURFER Magazine
One More Wave | SURFER Magazine
sexta-feira, 24 de junho de 2016
I Love When Angry Shortboarders Hate on Anyone | The Inertia
People who ride longboards when the waves are tiny and more suited for such crafts are lazy, good for nothing cheaters with no fortitude or character.
Continue lendo aqui -> I Love When Angry Shortboarders Hate on Anyone | The Inertia
I Love When Angry Shortboarders Hate on Anyone | The Inertia
7 Kook Moments Every Surfer Lives Through | The Inertia
Surfing is cool. And by extension that makes it cool to pretend to be a surfer (until your silly ass shows up on Instagram).
Continue lendo aqui -> 7 Kook Moments Every Surfer Lives Through | The Inertia
7 Kook Moments Every Surfer Lives Through | The Inertia
Surfista Jac Boeing fala sobre as ondas da Mentawai ideais para iniciantes - Waves
Surfista Jac Boeing fala sobre as ondas da Mentawai ideais para iniciantes.
Continue lendo aqui -> Waves
Surfista Jac Boeing fala sobre as ondas da Mentawai ideais para iniciantes - Waves
quinta-feira, 23 de junho de 2016
Everything You Need to Know About the Shark Crisis in Réunion Island | The Inertia
An investigation of the potential ecological and man-made causes for this recent spike in contact between humans and sharks.
Continue lendo aqui -> Everything You Need to Know About the Shark Crisis in Réunion Island | The Inertia
Everything You Need to Know About the Shark Crisis in Réunion Island | The Inertia
Rasta shoots the pier in India - Watch actions sports online at Garage Entertainment
Rasta shoots the pier in an Indian army controlled area, on a wave now known as "Rasta"s" after his show stopping finale sequence in Castles In The Sky; Taylor Steele"s sequel to "Sipping Jetstreams". "Satyas" is a powerful high tide barrel to match Backdoor Pipeline, also seen in Taylor Steele’s fi…
Fonte: Rasta shoots the pier in India - Watch actions sports online at Garage Entertainment
Rasta shoots the pier in India - Watch actions sports online at Garage Entertainment
Lançamento Oficial REVOLUIR
Depois de seis meses de criação da nossa querida Revoluir, queremos te chamar pra prestigiar o seu Lançamento Oficial!
Se antes estavámos em uma fase de criação, agora queremos lhe oferecer essa noite de muita alegria e irmandade que é tão importante pra nós. Vamos estar com nossos produtos à venda, nossos dois modelos de camiseta no valor de 60 reias e as toucas de tricot à 30 reais!
Quando? Dia 8 de Julho, as 19 horas.
Onde? No parceiro que nos disponibiliza o aconchegante espaço do Móveis do Bem Café, na Rua Coronel Marcos, 2470. Que estará oferecendo seus produtos, além do seu Hamburguer e do seu ambiente diferenciado!
Contaremos também, com a Exposição dos parceiros OsNos Boards compostos de seus handplanes e shapes artesanais e do PR Surfboards expondo suas pranchas e seu simulador de surf.
O som fica por conta do nosso grande amigo Lorenzo Sá que vai trazer aquela sonzeira com muito Reggae e MPB.
A entrada tem o valor de 10 reais + 1Kg de alimento não perecível ou um agasalho. Incluindo um copão de chopp bem gelado pra esquentar o pessoal!
A presença dos amigos e da família, é indispensavel e não tem valor estimado. Contamos com a presença de todos nessa, que vai ser uma linda festa!
Acompanhe tudo no nosso facebook ou na página do Instagram @_revoluir_.
Lançamento Oficial REVOLUIR
quarta-feira, 22 de junho de 2016
Everything wants to bite, claw, scratch and inject you with venom, poison and shit beer - Drift Surfing
Growing up in South Africa offers a plethora of excitement. A mix of America"s and Australia"s most weird stuff.
Continue lendo aqui -> Everything wants to bite, claw, scratch and inject you with venom, poison and shit beer - Drift Surfing
Everything wants to bite, claw, scratch and inject you with venom, poison and shit beer - Drift Surfing
Sharing the Stoke: The Queen of the Coast - Drift Surfing
Imagine you and your friends could surf alone for an hour at one of the best surf spots on the planet, according to numerous lists: southern California’s Rincon, the Queen of the Coast. You deserve this, as favourable karma coming back because of the good you’ve done in the world. That’s the idea behind the Rincon Invitational, organized annually by the Groundswell Society to recognize non-profit organizations, surf clubs and businesses for their public-service activities. The event began eight years ago as the “Sharing the Stoke Invitational,” designed to promote a spirit of aloha in the surfing community. It’s an un-contest in which shared waves are scored higher than waves ridden alone. Points are awarded for total waves ridden, total waves shared by one or more team members, and total number of surfers on the shared waves. Awards are also given for Best Wave and Team Spirit. You might not be surfing alone, however, as non-participants are not excluded from the contest zone. In keeping with the spirit of the event, “playground monitors” help to keep things social. And dropping in on a free surfer carries a heavy penalty – ten waves subtracted from your team’s score.
Continue lendo aqui -> Sharing the Stoke: The Queen of the Coast - Drift Surfing
Sharing the Stoke: The Queen of the Coast - Drift Surfing
Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events
Surfing Publication and Newsagency, we provide surfers all the news, Board Buyers Guide, Contest Reports, Big Wave Events, Airshows, Image Galleries, Shapers, Schools and Camps directories, Surfing magazine, Learning to Surf tips.
Continue lendo aqui -> Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events
Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events
Surfing in New York - Drift Surfing
Surfing in any major city is hard work but the Big Apple is about as brutal as it gets. In the winter when the waves are pumping temperatures can drop to as low as -25 °C with hurricanes and tornadoes regularly dropping by for fun. In the summer the temperatures pick up, but the waves are smaller and the beaches are wall-to-wall jam packed, you’ll need some serious skill to navigate the water-bound obstacles. All in all New York surfing is considered mad. Thankfully Andreea Waters has been on hand to capture this madness in its purest form, from the highs of a summer surf to the wintry depths of deprivation, a day in the life of the American urban surfer certainly isn’t for the faint-hearted. Andreea follows dedicated wave hunters to the end of the A-train and beyond and peeks into this passionate way of life through authentic photography and several surfers’ personal journeys.
Continue lendo aqui -> Surfing in New York - Drift Surfing
Surfing in New York - Drift Surfing
terça-feira, 21 de junho de 2016
5 Best Surf Trips for Under $400 Right Now | The Inertia
No time like the present.
Continue lendo aqui -> 5 Best Surf Trips for Under $400 Right Now | The Inertia
5 Best Surf Trips for Under $400 Right Now | The Inertia
Survivors" Surf Club | SURFER Magazine
In the wake of two civil wars and an Ebola outbreak, a handful of Liberians are finding solace along the region’s perfect left-hand points.
Continue lendo aqui -> Survivors" Surf Club | SURFER Magazine
Survivors" Surf Club | SURFER Magazine
segunda-feira, 20 de junho de 2016
Bruce Gold: Last of the Great Surfing Hippies | The Inertia
In a time where surfing seems to be taking a different, commercialized path, Bruce Gold is a reminder of what it"s all about.
Leia toda a matéria aqui: Bruce Gold: Last of the Great Surfing Hippies | The Inertia
Bruce Gold: Last of the Great Surfing Hippies | The Inertia
Dia Internacional do Surf
[caption id="attachment_1765" align="aligncenter" width="300"] O Surfsauros deseja a todos os praticantes e adeptos do surfstyle um Feliz Dia Internacional do Surf! Yeeew \,,,/[/caption]
Dia Internacional do Surf
Hoje é o Dia Internacional do Surfe - Blog do Surfe
O Dia Internacional do Surfe é comemorado em todo mundo hoje. O objetivo deste dia é enaltecer o estilo de vida dos surfistas e chamar a atenção para a proteção ambiental das praias e dos oceanos. Esta data foi criada em 2004 pela Surfrider Foundation e pela Surfing Magazine.
Continue lendo aqui -> Hoje é o Dia Internacional do Surfe - Blog do Surfe
Hoje é o Dia Internacional do Surfe - Blog do Surfe
sábado, 18 de junho de 2016
Father’s Day Gift Ideas for the Surfing Dad | The Inertia
Every year, on the third Sunday of June, people across the U.S. celebrate Dad. This year, Father’s Day falls on the 19th, which means that you don’t have much time to get the fathers in your life a nice gift. If you have a dad who surfs and are having some trouble deciding what to get them, here are some great gift ideas for his day. Some are grand, some are simple. Some will cost you a pretty penny and some won’t break the bank. But whichever you choose, Dad will love it.
Fonte: Father’s Day Gift Ideas for the Surfing Dad | The Inertia
Father’s Day Gift Ideas for the Surfing Dad | The Inertia
UN VIAJE MÁGICO: 5 OLAS | Surfpress.net
UN VIAJE MÁGICO: 5 OLAS | Surfpress.net
Beach Vault Is A Better Way To Bury Your Valuables In the Sand at the Beach | The Inertia
Surfing means going to the beach year round. But enjoying the waves and enjoying the beach are two different things for the most part–meaning the optimum time of year to sit on the sand is when it’s warmest, during the summer.In summer, beaches are packed. The more people, the higher the probability that ne’er-do-wells will seize an open opportunity to steal the diamond earrings or gold bars you carry with you for your average fun-in-the-sun beach day.If you’re like me and you find yourself with no alternative except to bury your phone in the sand when no one’s looking to prevent theft, only to find sand has worked its way into even its smallest crevices, there may be a better way.
Leia mais aqui: Beach Vault Is A Better Way To Bury Your Valuables In the Sand at the Beach | The Inertia
Beach Vault Is A Better Way To Bury Your Valuables In the Sand at the Beach | The Inertia
How Surfing Becomes a Weapon of Peace | The Inertia
It was September 2002 when I met Judah. He was a small, wiry kid. His style on a surfboard was somewhat spastic but nonetheless he was a good surfer.We spoke for the first time stepping on the coral reef of Grajagan, in the island of Java. He was coming in from the surf, emanating the sort of wisdom one has after having spent three days out there. As for me, a bit lost and lonesome and about to venture out for the first time into the sanctuary of waves that, until then, I’d only known through magazines and films.
Continue a ler aqui: How Surfing Becomes a Weapon of Peace | The Inertia
How Surfing Becomes a Weapon of Peace | The Inertia
sexta-feira, 17 de junho de 2016
Alex Knost, Chad Marshall & Friends Stylin" En Route to Tofino | The Inertia
More logs in this edit than a Canadian cabin in the woods.
Leia mais aqui: Alex Knost, Chad Marshall & Friends Stylin" En Route to Tofino | The Inertia
Alex Knost, Chad Marshall & Friends Stylin" En Route to Tofino | The Inertia
Gabriel Medina Wins 2016 Fiji Pro at Perfect Cloudbreak | The Inertia
Gabriel Medina defeats the previously unstoppable Matt Wilkinson in the electric final heat at pumping Cloudbreak.
Fonte: Gabriel Medina Wins 2016 Fiji Pro at Perfect Cloudbreak | The Inertia
Gabriel Medina Wins 2016 Fiji Pro at Perfect Cloudbreak | The Inertia
Pete Devries Rips the Sub-Zero Rincon of Canada | The Inertia
This wave"s similarities to California"s Rincon is uncanny.
Leia mais aqui: Pete Devries Rips the Sub-Zero Rincon of Canada | The Inertia
Pete Devries Rips the Sub-Zero Rincon of Canada | The Inertia
Fim de semana "havaiano" no Rio - Surfguru
O frio que atingiu o Rio de Janeiro, com temperaturas que chegaram aos 8,6º C, a menor em 14 anos, trouxe também uma ondulação impressionante durante o fim de semana. Foram emitidos alertas de ressacas na capital fluminense até terça-feira. A força do mar em Copacabana destruiu parte da arena olímpica do vôlei de praia e provocou alguns estragos pela cidade. O Centro de Hidrografia da Marinha registrou uma onda de 6m próxima à Baía de Guanabara, no sábado, mas outros picos cariocas também foram brindados com ondas poderosas, para a alegria de big riders como o pernambucano Carlos Burle e o local Pedro Scooby.
Uma multidão de surfistas e bodyboaders também aproveitou o swell de ares havaianos nos trópicos em um sábado ensolarado, quando a praia de São Conrado, no canto esquerdo e na Laje do Sheraton, assim como o Posto 5 de Copacabana, ficaram lotados. O mar foi subindo durante o dia e amanheceu gigante no domingo. As condições estavam adversas, com o frio, o vento e as imensas paredes de água com buracos, deixando o mar vazio. Entre os poucos que se aventuraram nas ondas ameaçadoras, Scooby disse que o treino de domingo no canto esquerdo foi valioso para a preparação para a temporada de inverno em Nazaré, Portugal.
Leia mais aqui: Fim de semana "havaiano" no Rio - Surfguru
Fim de semana "havaiano" no Rio - Surfguru
quinta-feira, 16 de junho de 2016
How To Buy A Surfboard | SURFER Magazine
Your guide to choosing your next magic stick, as told by Trip Forman of REAL Watersports.
Fonte: How To Buy A Surfboard | SURFER Magazine
How To Buy A Surfboard | SURFER Magazine
Curitibanos criam aplicativo que conecta surfistas e fotógrafos | Viver Bem
Objetivo do Moments.Surf é compartilhar os registros únicos com quem quase nunca consegue uma imagem pessoal: os surfistas
Fonte: Curitibanos criam aplicativo que conecta surfistas e fotógrafos | Viver Bem
Curitibanos criam aplicativo que conecta surfistas e fotógrafos | Viver Bem
Fiji From Above - YouTube
Fiji From Above - YouTube
The Big Wave Riders of Hawaii | The Surfers Journal
Bernard Testemale’s collection of collodion wet plate photos
Fonte: The Big Wave Riders of Hawaii | The Surfers Journal
The Big Wave Riders of Hawaii | The Surfers Journal
quarta-feira, 15 de junho de 2016
Surfing A British Summer - Kelly Says
Even though Britain seems to have an endless winter that lasts about 9 months of the year, it seems summer is finally here! 3 weeks ago I took my gloves off and my hands were still freezing, but after a few weeks of warm weather, I’m actually in my summer suit (a summer suit in […]
Fonte: Surfing A British Summer - Kelly Says
Surfing A British Summer - Kelly Says
Classic Longboard Eisbach on Vimeo
Classic Longboard Eisbach on Vimeo
If Bruno Hansen"s Story Doesn"t Inspire You Then There"s No Hope | The Inertia
After Bruno Hansen broke spine in a car accident, he attempted to drown himself in the ocean. What happened next is forces us to think a little more deeply about the world.
Fonte: If Bruno Hansen’s Story Doesn’t Inspire You Then There’s No Hope | The Inertia
If Bruno Hansen"s Story Doesn"t Inspire You Then There"s No Hope | The Inertia
terça-feira, 14 de junho de 2016
Dynamic Stretching For Surfers - Full Warmup Sequence | The Inertia
Dynamic stretching can help restore your body’s ability to move the way it’s supposed to.
Fonte: Dynamic Stretching For Surfers – Full Warmup Sequence | The Inertia
Dynamic Stretching For Surfers - Full Warmup Sequence | The Inertia
quarta-feira, 8 de junho de 2016
The Worst Wipeouts from Red Bull Cape Fear | The Inertia
The Red Bull Cape Fear event was madness. It ran in what some have claimed to be the biggest Ours ever surfed… and it certainly seems that way, although it leans closer to a demolition derby than a surfing event. Here’s just over a minute of butt-clenchingly bad wipeouts from the last few days of competition. See photos here, and watch a full replay of the event on Redbullcapefear.com. 0 0
Leia mais aqui: The Worst Wipeouts from Red Bull Cape Fear | The Inertia
The Worst Wipeouts from Red Bull Cape Fear | The Inertia
An Ode to the “Old Guys” | The Inertia
My kids are growing up fast, my joints are beginning to ache and it’s taking me that bit longer to put on my wetsuit. Call it vanity, call it a keep sake, but it occurred to me late last year when I turned 50 that aside from the odd photograph I had no visual record of my more than 20 years of surfing.
Plenty of increasingly faded memories alright, but nothing that you could shake a stick at.
Just as important as this realization was the thought that every local surf scene has its regular lineup of kooks, groms and rippers, as well as its elders. And it was this latter group that I wanted to honor in some way.
“Grumpy old dudes,” “silver surfers,” “good ol’ boys,” and the list can go on. Call them what you will but these same surfers keep an eye out for others in the water and enforce our rules when necessary, but more importantly they keep on keeping on by continuing to surf. In doing so they provide an inspiration to one and all: young and well, young at heart.
This is the video I made with Alan Coyne, Stuart McMullen and Dave Flynn with the help of award winning director, photographer and, himself a surfer, Kev L. Smith.The date was April 2 2016.
The breaks were Cornish and Moy, off the coast of Lahinch, Co. Clare, Ireland. Perfect by anyone’s standards for a Life in the Day.
Fonte: An Ode to the “Old Guys” | The Inertia
An Ode to the “Old Guys” | The Inertia
Weathering The Emerald Isle | SURFER Magazine
Taylor Knox and an eclectic group of friends endure the storm and enjoy the ride in Ireland. Presented by Reef.
Leia toda a matéria clicando aqui: Weathering The Emerald Isle | SURFER Magazine
Weathering The Emerald Isle | SURFER Magazine
Escultura na água - Trip
Para o shaper Johnny Rice, uma prancha feita por mãos humanas é uma obra de arte
Leia toda a matéria aqui08 Escultura na água – Trip
Escultura na água - Trip
terça-feira, 7 de junho de 2016
Wisdom: Linda Benson | SURFER Magazine
72, Encinitas, California
“Being accepted” among the guys back in the late ‘50s wasn’t a big deal because surfing was just so new to everyone. I started surfing when I was 11, in 1955, and the surfing explosion had just begun. As surfing got a little more progressive, it wasn’t as easy for some women as it was for me. I was lucky.Improving your surfing makes you feel good. I was very shy and had low self-esteem as a teen, so when I found surfing, I was going to hang on to it for dear life. Maybe every kid feels this way, but I felt like I was out in left field, and there was really no reason to feel this way, but I did.
Fonte: Wisdom: Linda Benson | SURFER Magazine
Wisdom: Linda Benson | SURFER Magazine
segunda-feira, 6 de junho de 2016
Chloé perde com polêmica - Waves
O título da etapa francesa do Longboard Qualifying Series ficou “em casa”. Na grande final, disputada nas ondas de Vieux-Boucau, França, Chloé Calmon se empenhou, mas após uma marcação de interferência, a brasileira acabou derrotada pela francesa Alice Lemoigne, local das Ilhas Reunião, que reside na região.Faltando cinco minutos para o fim da bateria, Chloé liderava com folga a final com a somatória de 14,84 contra 11,00 da francesa e, usando a regra de marcação, posicionou-se a frente de Alice. No momento em que a francesa tentou pegar uma onda, a brasileira remou embaixo, impedindo que ela desse continuidade.”Numa decisão surpreendente, os juízes deram interferência de remada da Chloé. Essa regra de punição, assim como a de marcação, consta nos livro de regras da WSL, mas de acordo com os presentes, ela não aconteceu”, disse Miguel Calmon, pai da Chloé.Chloe ainda conseguiu outra boa nota, 7,43, que levaria sua somatória 15,10, mas devido a punição, apenas uma de suas notas foi computada totalmente, a outra foi cortada na metade. Com isso Alice Lemoigne somou 12,10 e levantou o caneco.”Eu cometi um erro, eu realmente pensei que tinha prioridade e no momento não entendi o que estava acontecendo. É a primeira vez que recebo uma interferência”, afirmou Chloé. “Alice é um grande surfista e uma boa amiga, estou triste por não ganhar, mas ao mesmo tempo feliz por ela”, complementou a brasileira.Retrospecto – Chloé Calmon liderou as estatísticas do campeonato, com cinco de suas notas entre as 10 maiores do evento, inclusive a maior. Bastante decepcionada, Chloe agradeceu a torcida brasileira presente. A brasileira agora parte para Portugal, para outra etapa.Masculino – A final dos homens foi familiar, disputada entre os irmãos. Antoine e Edouard Delpero disputaram ferozmente o título da etapa e o caçula, Antoine, levou a melhor na disputa.”É sempre um sonho de surfar uma final contra o meu irmão, nós sabemos que é uma possibilidade, mas o nível competitivo é tão alto que é algo impressionante”, disse Antoine. “Um incentivando o outro todo o tempo é o que realmente nos faz surfar melhor e mais relaxado ao mesmo tempo”, disse o campeão.
Fonte: Waves
Chloé perde com polêmica - Waves
Justiça suspende extração - Waves
Justiça confirma suspensão de extração de areia das dunas da Ribanceira, em Imbituba. Foto: Eduardo Rosa.
Em uma decisão unanime, seguindo o pronunciamento do Desembargador Luiz Fernando Boller, os desembargadores 1ª Câmara de Direito Público do Tribunal de Justiça de Santa Catarina – TJSC -, “mantiveram a sentença, reafirmaram a validade das notificações expedidas”, pela Prefeitura de Imbituba contra a mineradora Ravlen, que extraía ilegalmente areia das dunas da Ribanceira em Imbituba, há mais de 20 anos, “e rechaçaram a alegada litigância de má-fé do município”, segundo deferimento feito em Despacho. A decisão foi unânime referente a Apelação Cível nº 0302046-62.2014.8.24.0030, feita pela Mineradora, contra a Prefeitura de Imbituba (SC).O Movimento SOS Dunas da Ribanceira, que há pouco mais de dez anos lutava para parar a destruição no local, através de denúncias, manifestações e conscientização da população, emitiu nota no último dia 02 de junho.”É com grande alegria e agradecimento que comunicamos a todos que apoiaram e se dedicaram a todo o processo que envolveu o movimento SOS Dunas da Ribanceira, nestes últimos pouco mais de 10 anos, mais uma vitória para a natureza e o meio ambiente de nossa cidade”.
Fonte: Waves
Justiça suspende extração - Waves
domingo, 5 de junho de 2016
This is the First Ever Indian Open of Surfing | The Inertia
For now, India is still the grom in the international surfing waters. But there is a strong surf movement and momentum that has started to build here.
Fonte: This is the First Ever Indian Open of Surfing | The Inertia
This is the First Ever Indian Open of Surfing | The Inertia
Profile: The Remarkable Saga of Sebastian Zietz - World Surf League
Barefoot and homeless at 10; landlocked vagabond at 12; couch surfer at 14. Watch what shaped surfing’s latest star.
Fonte: Profile: The Remarkable Saga of Sebastian Zietz – World Surf League
Profile: The Remarkable Saga of Sebastian Zietz - World Surf League
sábado, 4 de junho de 2016
Freezing | SURFER Magazine
A cold-water surf trip, directed by British filmmakers Rob Lockyear and Jeremy Joyce.
Fonte: Freezing | SURFER Magazine
Freezing | SURFER Magazine
Surfer in WA Shark Attack Dies in Hospital | The Inertia
Ben Gerring was surfing at Falcon Beach in Western Australia when a great white attacked him from behind and bit off his leg.
Fonte: Surfer in WA Shark Attack Dies in Hospital | The Inertia
Surfer in WA Shark Attack Dies in Hospital | The Inertia
sexta-feira, 3 de junho de 2016
My Old Man: Shane Dorian | SURFER Magazine
MY OLD MAN: SHANE DORIANFear and family with one of surfing’s finest fathers
Fonte: My Old Man: Shane Dorian | SURFER Magazine
My Old Man: Shane Dorian | SURFER Magazine
A Research Project to Uncover the Identity of the Brazilian Surfer | The Inertia
Brazil, as it stands right now, is the most surf-stoked nation on the planet.Surfing is a social transformation agent. It’s a relevant economic factor. In Brazil alone the sport generated nearly $3 billion USD in 2008 and accounted for 1.4 million jobs. Though having two world champs and plenty of quality surfers, we still lack of a strong national league and investments on the base category. We’re the third biggest surfing nation in the world and we don’t know who is the Brazilian surfer. What do they want, who do they influence, what do they consume and who do they aspire to be?But what about the biggest question: Why is he or she so notoriously known as bad-mannered?
Fonte: A Research Project to Uncover the Identity of the Brazilian Surfer | The Inertia
A Research Project to Uncover the Identity of the Brazilian Surfer | The Inertia
Locais desbravam pico raro - Waves
Locais desbravam laje do “Sorriso”, pico raro em plena praia de Camburi. Veja as fotos.
Fonte: Waves
Locais desbravam pico raro - Waves
O negócio é desapegar, morô?
O gaúcho Marco Aurélio Raymundo, o Morongo, transformou a Mormaii em uma empresa avaliada em R$ 1 bilhão. Mas, para continuar crescendo, decidiu repartir tudo com seus funcionários
O negócio é desapegar, morô?
quinta-feira, 2 de junho de 2016
An Athlete’s Guide to Nutrition for Recovery | The Inertia
No matter how long you’ve been active or how fit you are, you’re going to get sore. And it’s a good thing.
Fonte: An Athlete’s Guide to Nutrition for Recovery | The Inertia
An Athlete’s Guide to Nutrition for Recovery | The Inertia
Hot vs Cold: The Great Shower Debate | The Inertia
Which kind of shower is the healthiest for your body?
Fonte: Hot vs Cold: The Great Shower Debate | The Inertia
Hot vs Cold: The Great Shower Debate | The Inertia
The Art of Longboarding, with Nicholas Maguire | The Inertia
I’ve always thought that really good longboarding is the art of almost falling down gracefully.
Fonte: The Art of Longboarding, with Nicholas Maguire | The Inertia
The Art of Longboarding, with Nicholas Maguire | The Inertia
Stab Magazine | 9 Things You Missed At The Deus 9ft & Single
So you missed the four-day party bender that was the Deus 9ft & Single presented by SWELL. From bodysurfing contests, to shaping forums, to single-fin shootouts and everything in between, it was a fine way to spend an extended weekend.
Fonte: Stab Magazine | 9 Things You Missed At The Deus 9ft & Single
Stab Magazine | 9 Things You Missed At The Deus 9ft & Single
quarta-feira, 1 de junho de 2016
Perfection from Above - Drift Surfing
This secret spot only came to light thanks to a ‘‘Google Earth Challenge’.
Fonte: Perfection from Above – Drift Surfing
Perfection from Above - Drift Surfing
The Lost Weekend - Drift Surfing
A call to the wild, a hunt for these waves or just an excuse to escape to the Irish coast with friends, Finisterre’s latest visual offering gives you a taste of the good life; if by good you mean clean lines, killer breaks and the opportunity to roam free. At least for a couple of days. The trip begins in the wee hours – tired eyes, tired minds and tired souls weary from the day to day routine quickly igniting as the drive through epic coastal scenery that the Emerald Isle is so known for sparks a new excitement in the crew. Ambassadors Matt Smith, Noah Lane, Easkey Britton, Fergal Smith and Sandy Kerr ventured out to Ireland last winter with boards in tow to tread the lines, swap tales and create some new ones, with Chris McClean along for the ride documenting their every move. These friendships forged at sea had led to the promise of new adventure, and it was a promise not to be reckoned with. Waves for days, welcoming new faces into the fold and celebrating old friendships, The Lost Weekend was a chance to reconnect with nature and each other, and was – quote –… View More »
Fonte: The Lost Weekend – Drift Surfing
The Lost Weekend - Drift Surfing
The soul of South Korea - Drift Surfing
Long considered a layover spot on the way to more conventional surf destinations, South Korea is now home to a burgeoning year-round surf scene. It might not have a spot on your bucket list yet, but there are many reasons why it should. Anyone who has stepped outside the cities in Korea knows of the country’s gentle beauty, which extends to both the waves themselves and the small crew riding them. Typically, much of the coastal regions are economically challenged fishing and farming communities that defy the stereotype of modern, cosmopolitan Korea. Surfing, which has boomed in South Korea in recent years, also creates opportunities for such areas to reimagine themselves as thriving, vibrant beach towns. Young Korean surfers are already buying old beach houses and building surf businesses out of railway containers. And the lineups are far from empty at hotspots like Busan and Jeju Island as Koreans discover the great waves on their doorsteps and join the pioneers who have long nurtured a small, thriving scene there. If you crave cold water, fear not. During the winter months, South Korea offers up 2,400 kilometers of empty potential—though you may have to trudge through snow to get to the… View More »
Fonte: The soul of South Korea – Drift Surfing
The soul of South Korea - Drift Surfing
Authorities are hunting a large great white shark that attacked and mauled Mandurah surfer Ben Gerring, tearing off one of his legs above the knee in a horror attack at Falcon, south of Perth. Mr Gerring remains in a critical condition in Royal Perth Hospital. Early today fisheries officers will deploy “shark capture gear” at Surf Break Lookout where the attack took place. The beach will remain closed. In a brief statement the department said given the location of the attack and the nature of the victim’s injuries, a white shark of 3 metres or more was most likely responsible.Mr Gerring was attacked at Surfbreak Lookout when he was mauled just before 4pm on Tuesday. Fellow surfers dragged the 29-year-old fly-in, fly-out worker from the ocean and immediately administered first aid until paramedics arrived.The RAC rescue chopper was sent to the scene however he was taken to Peel Health Campus for treatment by ambulance. A Peel Health Campus spokeswoman said doctors worked to stabilise the man until he was ready to be transported to Royal Perth Hospital.
Fonte: Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events
Looking forward, rarely backwards: The wisdom of larrikin Bob McTavish - Drift Surfing
Since 1962 surfer and shaper Bob McTavish has experimented, refined and help redefine the way we surf today. From his base in Bryon Bay he and his crew craft world class boards. The ever-cheerful Mr. McTavish puts down his planer for a few minutes with Drift. How was Spain? Did you get in the water much? I shaped in San Sebastián in Spain, at Pukas/Olatu, and stayed in Guéthary, so I surfed there amongst the crowd. But I love the place. An old favourite spot. Matt Warshaw describes you as ‘Cheerful Australian shaper’ you certainly have a reputation for being one of the happiest people in an industry full of cynics. What’s your secret? And can I have the patent? I’m a positive person who is always looking forward, rarely backwards. I’m convinced the Creator will soon step in to sort out the planet, so that really helps. Plus surfing/shaping is my only specialty, and I’m born for it and love it. How do you feel the role of the shaper is evolving with the addition of shaping machines and increase cheap mass produced foreign imports? Machines have their place. Firstly producing the endless numbers of very similar short boards,… View More »
Fonte: Looking forward, rarely backwards: The wisdom of larrikin Bob McTavish – Drift Surfing
Looking forward, rarely backwards: The wisdom of larrikin Bob McTavish - Drift Surfing